Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Stretching the truth

The verse John 8:32 from the Bible; “...You will know the Truth and the Truth will set you free” is true. But it's not because it is considered the infallible word of God. It is because it's a function of quantum physics.

Is there really an absolute truth? It is getting harder for me to believe that there is. If you ask three witnesses to a traffic accident what they saw, you will get three different truths.

Witness 1. “I saw the whole thing and this is exactly how it happened…”
Witness 2. “The yellow light was flashing…”
Witness 3. “…a flash of light! Looked like an Alien invasion…yeah…wow what was the question?”

Truth is like time…its relative. If we take the formulas from quantum physics and substitute truth for time in the equations; It may actually make the statement, “The check is in the mail” true. Regardless of whether you actually sent the check or not, it can be calculated to be probable that the check is in fact in the mail…and that’s good enough for me.

Truth can be scary; people will march straight to their death for their version of it. My God is bigger than your god…that’s why we all must die! I hate to see that guy coming. I know he’s bitter because no one invites him to fun parties.

Now that everything has a probability to be true, I can feel better about the truths the government and corporate moguls are saying. I don’t feel lied to anymore. BP thinks the spill is “bad” and the company “care” about the Gulf Shores. It’s true, only the words were changed to protect the innocent. Losing money is “bad” and we “care” about keeping cleanup costs down.

You have to “spin” it to win it. I can finally believe the politicians when they tell me. “These policies are in your best interest.” That means exactly the same thing as, “We are just making this up as we go. Hey let’s print some money!”

Truth can be manipulated and still be true. I am glad that no one ever lies to me anymore. Because now I know its true, it’s all true. And the truth has set me free.

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