Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Easy as ABC

A winter's day in a deep and dark december...much like today.Years ago a question was posed to me. At first glance I didn't give it much thought. Lately I find myself thinking about it more and more. I will ask you the very same question now; how easy is love to do? Pretty simple question, but love is complicated. One dictionary had 26definitions. That means love isn't going to be very easy to do. Easy means "involving little difficulty or discomfort". I don't know about you but 26 definitions was way more than I bargained for, so I am going with this; a "profoundly tender, passionate affection". Easy takes the path of least resistance. That means if I don't give it to much thought, I can argue that ABC is easy. 123 is easy and that's how easy love can be.

Please tell me if you do not recognize these letters...A B C...Of course you recognize them they are easy! I bet not one of you struggled to figure it out. These building blocks of our language can be arranged in certain orders that create statements that are difficult to figure out. Check out this quote from Orson Squire Fowler’s pseudo-scientific Phrenological Almanac:
“Nature’s Printing Press is Man. Her types are Signs, her books are Actions.”
Ummmm okay I am not sure what that means so that is difficult to me. Not ABC, that's easy!

One more question, do you know what these numbers are? 1, 2, 3. These are the first few numbers of an infinite number line. They are the foundation of fundamental and theoretical mathematics. Some of those problems can be so complex and difficult that they inflict pain into your frontal lobes. 123 is easy. Anyone can count to three. Even if you had stumps instead of hands; left stump =1, head =2, and right stump =3. 123 is so easy that you could glance at them for less than a second while juggling and still call out the numbers. Juggling takes skill and concentration. It is difficult. 123 is easy!

Love works much the same way the letters and numbers do. Sure it can get complicated with physical and theoretical problems to solve. Love can be extremely difficult to do, especially with people you hate. With all its definitions, still the description of love isn't quite adequate. Love is so complicated, how can it be easy to do?

Look at a toddler, when its mother walks into a room. Look at two brand new lovers strolling together. They are so involved in the process of doing love that it is unconscious and it flows without effort. Some famous rock group said "There's nothing you can do that can't be done...its easy...All you need is love." I know it wasn't the Monkees...Do love by choosing to be affectionate and cheerful. It doesn't cost anything to smile. Its easy! Easy as ABC, 123, that's how easy love can be.
Happy Holidays!

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