Monday, October 26, 2009

I Am

I was thinking this morning deep thoughts about God. Well I thought they were deep and I don't really like to think to hard about anything. However there I was thinking. I was contemplating the name "I Am". That is God's name according to Moses. "I Am" is a wonderful beginning to many affirmations. I am strong, I am healthy, I am wealthy...etc. This started a series of random thoughts regarding my understanding of God.

For instance, God created mankind in Their Image. In Genesis the verse says "Then God said "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness..." (Genesis 1:26 NIV). So "I Am" could be I Am diverse and I Am pleural. This messes with my corporate view of religion and what the CEO of any given pulpit says what God wants from me. I am created in one of God's images. Lately the intolerant views of religions, I mean all of them, really bother me. The world's history of religious warfare is sickening. Really was it ever about God?

God is "I Am" then He is everything. We can not ignore "I Am" war, "I Am" hate. When we know this, it becomes a matter of focus and expectation. If you focus on intolerance and expect wrath this will be manifested by the individuals created in God's image. However to focus on love, goodwill and mutual benefit and expect it, these too will manifest from individuals created in God's image. Recently I read about some experiments regarding Quantum Physics. The scientists were working on particle/wave functions of electrons. Basically (I do mean basically, these guys are smart) the outcome was affected by the expectation of the scientist. This may have much to do with how we create our reality. Pure pontential here.

I changed my thought process to contemplate the "Unified Field" of the new Physics. There is a mathematical formula that has broken down all the laws, forces, and beliefs into a "bottom line".
Everything that Physics has declared as laws can be derived from this formula. What this means to the average guy like myself is that we all come from one source. We are all connected to that source, everything. Hmmmm if that is the case then I am ...everything. When we break the levels down to the Unified Field as the physicist call it. Wow...Moses really did talk with God and God's name is "I Am."

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